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ISSN 1895-2038, e-ISSN:1734-459X

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Volume 6 (4) 2010

October - December 2010


Supply chain management - safety aspects
Maciej Stajniak
Logforum. 2010. 6(4), article 1
abstract nr 1 abstract article nr 1 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Environmental perspective of Location Based Services and Light Goods Vehicles in urban areas
Zbyszko Pawlak
Logforum. 2010. 6(4), article 2
abstract nr 2 abstract article nr 2 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Lean and agile supply chain management concepts in the aspect of risk management
Sylwia Konecka
Logforum. 2010. 6(4), article 3
abstract nr 3 abstract article nr 3 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Premises to use virtual b2b market - common procurement platform
Grzegorz Klimarczyk, Zygmunt Kopacz, Michał Masadyński, Magdalena K. Wyrwicka
Logforum. 2010. 6(4), article 4
abstract nr 4 abstract article nr 4 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Hybrid production planning system in make-to-order company - case study
Łukasz Hadaś, Piotr Cyplik
Logforum. 2010. 6(4), article 5
abstract nr 5 abstract article nr 5 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
The nature and types of network relations in distribution of metallurgical products
Marzena Kramarz
Logforum. 2010. 6(4), article 6
abstract nr 6 abstract article nr 6 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Nano-biosensors as new tool for detection of food quality and safety
Semih Otles, Buket Yalcin
Logforum. 2010. 6(4), article 7
abstract nr 7 abstract article nr 7 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text

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