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ISSN 1895-2038, e-ISSN:1734-459X

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Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial)Logforum. 2019. 15(2), article 9, 279-290; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.319


Magdalena Krystyna Wyrwicka, Agnieszka Chuda

Poznań University of Technology, Poznań, Poland


Background: Literature studies and analysis of the situation in business practice indicate the organizational culture as an important determinant that can inhibit or assist in the implementation of adaptive, proactive and proinnovation changes. New situations appearing in the external and internal environment as well as new conditions created by technical and technological progress oblige enterprises to adapt or even anticipate changes. Readiness for modification occurs when employees are not satisfied with the existing organizational culture and they prefer a different one. The diagnosis of the discrepancy between the existing and expected organizational culture allows us to assess the willingness to change the situation in the enterprise. This article presents a case study focused on identifying the actual and desired organizational culture in order to diagnose the crew's readiness for changes in the company and possibility an application of design thinking as a as a way to implement innovative solutions.

Methods: The study was conducted in was used OCAI questionnaire, whose authors are: K.S. Cameron and R.E. Quinn. While using the questionnaire, the current and desired state of the organizational culture of the analysed enterprise has been determined. Based on literature studies, the possibilities of using design thinking in the process of changing the organizational culture were verified.

Results and Conclusions: The research results reveal dissonance between the existing and desired state and enable the assessment of the willingness and readiness of the company's staff to change and the possibility of using design thinking. The aim of study was to identify a research gap a diagnosis organisational culture as a factor in change and a possibility of using design thinking in process change. Organizational culture in the course of changes in an enterprise has a decisive impact on employees' abilities and inclinations to develop and implement new ideas.


Keywords: organizational culture, changes in organization, design thinking, competing values model, innovations
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For citation:

MLA Wyrwicka, Magdalena Krystyna, and Agnieszka Chuda. "The diagnosis of organizational culture as a change?s factor in the context application of design thinking ." Logforum 15.2 (2019): 9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.319
APA Magdalena Krystyna Wyrwicka, Agnieszka Chuda (2019). The diagnosis of organizational culture as a change?s factor in the context application of design thinking . Logforum 15 (2), 9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.319
ISO 690 WYRWICKA, Magdalena Krystyna, CHUDA, Agnieszka. The diagnosis of organizational culture as a change?s factor in the context application of design thinking . Logforum, 2019, 15.2: 9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.319