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ISSN 1895-2038, e-ISSN:1734-459X

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Volume 15 (3) 2019

July - September 2019


The effects of demand planning on the negative consequences of operational risk in supply chains
Artur Świerczek
Logforum. 2019. 15(3), article 1, 315-329; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.340
abstract nr 1 abstract article nr 1 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
The role of environmental cooperation and collaboration in supplier relationship management
Piotr Cezary Sosnowski
Logforum. 2019. 15(3), article 2, 331-339; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.345
abstract nr 2 abstract article nr 2 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Concept for identifying problems in supply chains in omni-channel systems
Sebastian Wieczerniak, Jarosław Milczarek
Logforum. 2019. 15(3), article 3, 341-350; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.353
abstract nr 3 abstract article nr 3 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
The main areas of methodological reflection in the supply chains research
Marek Ciesielski, Sylwia Konecka
Logforum. 2019. 15(3), article 4, 351-361; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.341
abstract nr 4 abstract article nr 4 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Striving for excellence in AI implementation: AI Maturity Model framework and preliminary research results
Anna Paula Tanajura Ellefsen, Joanna Oleśków-Szłapka, Grzegorz Pawłowski, Adrianna Toboła
Logforum. 2019. 15(3), article 5, 363-376; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.354
abstract nr 5 abstract article nr 5 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Assessing the profitability of investment projects using ordered fuzzy numbers
Iwona Pisz, Anna Chwastyk, Iwona Łapuńka
Logforum. 2019. 15(3), article 6, 377-389; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.342
abstract nr 6 abstract article nr 6 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
A comprehensive study of classical heuristic algorithms used in the process of solving Transportation Problem
Krzysztof Szwarc, Urszula Boryczka, Sebastian Twaróg, Jacek Szołtysek
Logforum. 2019. 15(3), article 7, 390-401; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.346
abstract nr 7 abstract article nr 7 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Mobile technologies in logistic customer service as a tool for winning customers’ satisfaction
Jagoda Ochocka
Logforum. 2019. 15(3), article 8, 403-411; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.338
abstract nr 8 abstract article nr 8 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Remanufacturing sustainability indicators: A study on diesel particulate filter
Kanchana Sethanan, Rapeepan Pitakaso, Monika Kosacka-Olejnik, Karolina Werner-Lewandowska, Aneta Wasyniak
Logforum. 2019. 15(3), article 9, 413-423; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.349
abstract nr 9 abstract article nr 9 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Assessing the effect of higher education service quality on job satisfaction among lecturers in premier polytechnics using HEdPERF model
Sulaiman Mohammed Khalid, Khairul Anuar Mohd. Ali, Zafir Khan Mohamed Makhbul
Logforum. 2019. 15(3), article 10, 425-436; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2019.356
abstract nr 10 abstract article nr 10 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text

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