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ISSN 1895-2038, e-ISSN:1734-459X

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Volume 8 (2) 2012

April - June 2012


The Determinants of Foreign Investment in Pakistan: A gravity model analysis
Syed Waqar Azeem, Haroon Hussain, Rana Yasir Hussain
Logforum. 2012. 8(2), article 1, 81-97;
abstract nr 1 abstract article nr 1 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Dynamic configuring of the metastructure
Katarzyna Grzybowska, Gábor Kovács
Logforum. 2012. 8(2), article 2, 99-108;
abstract nr 2 abstract article nr 2 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
A measure of emergence of a logistic group interaction
V. Novikov, Y. Korsuk, L. Shipulina
Logforum. 2012. 8(2), article 3, 109-122;
abstract nr 3 abstract article nr 3 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
An EOQ Model for Time Dependent Weibull Deterioration with Linear Demand and Shortages
Umakanta Mishra, Chaitanya Kumar Tripathy
Logforum. 2012. 8(2), article 4, 123-136;
abstract nr 4 abstract article nr 4 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
The efficiency of the production – the analyse of problems based on the literature research
Adam Koliński
Logforum. 2012. 8(2), article 5, 137-150;
abstract nr 5 abstract article nr 5 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Efficiency of urban congestion problem solving
Zbyszko Pawlak
Logforum. 2012. 8(2), article 6, 151-156;
abstract nr 6 abstract article nr 6 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Logistic service providers and sustainable physical distribution
Stef Weijers, Hans-Heinrich Glöckner, Reinder Pieters
Logforum. 2012. 8(2), article 7, 157-165;
abstract nr 7 abstract article nr 7 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text

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