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ISSN 1895-2038, e-ISSN:1734-459X

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Volume 8 (1) 2012

January - March 2012


Supply chains in context of knowledge of business networks
Marek Ciesielski
Logforum. 2012. 8(1), article 1, 3-10;
abstract nr 1 abstract article nr 1 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Reliability provision for supplies plan in logistic chains
Vladimir Tkach
Logforum. 2012. 8(1), article 2, 11-20;
abstract nr 2 abstract article nr 2 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
inventory management, VMI, software agents, MDV model
Waldemar Wieczerzycki, Piotr Januszewski
Logforum. 2012. 8(1), article 3, 21-28;
abstract nr 3 abstract article nr 3 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Critical chain project management and drum-buffer-rope tools integration in construction industry - case study
Piotr Cyplik, Michał Adamczak, Łukasz Hadaś
Logforum. 2012. 8(1), article 4, 29-37;
abstract nr 4 abstract article nr 4 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Development of an automated system for the decentral fractioning of municipal wastes
Heiko Vesper, Tobias Erxleben, Jens Schulze, Michał Kurpisz
Logforum. 2012. 8(1), article 5, 39-45;
abstract nr 5 abstract article nr 5 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Simulation analysis of a production process with selected Six Sigma indicators
Michał Dobrzyński, Piotr Waszczur
Logforum. 2012. 8(1), article 6, 47-54;
abstract nr 6 abstract article nr 6 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Management of strategic coopetition among partners within international airline alliances
Frank Himpel
Logforum. 2012. 8(1), article 7, 55-60;
abstract nr 7 abstract article nr 7 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Supply chain reliability modelling
Eugen Zaitsev
Logforum. 2012. 8(1), article 8, 61-69;
abstract nr 8 abstract article nr 8 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text

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