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ISSN 1895-2038, e-ISSN:1734-459X

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Volume 12 (4) 2016

October - December 2016


Antimicrobial packaging with natural compunds - a review
Renata Dobrucka
Logforum. 2016. 12(4), article 1, 193-202; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2016.4.1
abstract nr 1 abstract article nr 1 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
How to manage sustainable supply chain? The issue of maturity
Agata Rudnicka
Logforum. 2016. 12(4), article 2, 203-211; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2016.4.2
abstract nr 2 abstract article nr 2 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Seamless communication in supply chains based on M2M technology
Walid Moneimne, Marcin Hajdul, Szymon Mikołajczak
Logforum. 2016. 12(4), article 3, 213-226; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2016.4.3
abstract nr 3 abstract article nr 3 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Supply chain and innovation activity in transport related enterprises in Eastern Poland
Giuseppe Ioppolo, Katarzyna Szopik-Depczyńska, Maciej Stajniak, Sylwia Konecka
Logforum. 2016. 12(4), article 4, 227-236; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2016.4.4
abstract nr 4 abstract article nr 4 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Comparison of multiple-criteria decision-making methods - results of simulation study
Michał Adamczak, Roman Domański, Norbert Wagener
Logforum. 2016. 12(4), article 5, 237-246; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2016.4.5
abstract nr 5 abstract article nr 5 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Selected aspects of the logistics network of public hospitals in the competitive market of health services
Justyna Majchrzak-Lepczyk, Benedykt Bober
Logforum. 2016. 12(4), article 6, 247-267; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2016.4.6
abstract nr 6 abstract article nr 6 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Azman Ismail, Yusrizal Sufardi Mohd Yunan
Logforum. 2016. 12(4), article 7, 269-283; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2016.4.7
abstract nr 7 abstract article nr 7 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
The future of logistical education in Poland and Ukraine: comparative analysis of students\' opinions
Halina Ryzhkova, Irena Pawłyszyn, Nina Rizun
Logforum. 2016. 12(4), article 8, 285-300; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2016.4.8
abstract nr 8 abstract article nr 8 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text
Virtualization of work in global supply chains
Sabina Wyrwich-Płotka, Jarosław Witkowski
Logforum. 2016. 12(4), article 9, 301-312; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2016.4.9
abstract nr 9 abstract article nr 9 - in Adobe Acrobat format full text

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