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ISSN 1895-2038, e-ISSN:1734-459X

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Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial)Logforum. 2015. 11(2), article 5, 171-182; DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2015.2.5


Wiktor Żuchowski

The Institute of Logistics and Warehousing, Poznań, Poland


 Background: Environmentally sustainable solutions are entering the domain of logistics. More and more frequently do we hear of sustainable or "green" warehouses, although the scale and scope of implementations in specific investments is not incomparable, and the adjective "green" is added rather for marketing, not utility-related, purposes. Furthermore, it is difficult to confront implemented solutions differently than with the use of evaluations dedicated to broadly-understood sustainable buildings. In order to identify the solutions, it is necessary to prepare a key for their division first. Identification, classification, popularisation and, in the long-run, implementation of sustainable solutions in warehouse management requires them to be organised.

Methods: On the basis of available information, chiefly primary and secondary sources, but also legal documentation developed in countries with high environmental awareness, materials which allow indicating the structure of division of sustainable solutions have been collected. The division has been prepared by means of analysing solutions, creating homogenous groups, and their further unification. The comparison of evaluations given to sustainable solutions has been prepared on the basis of information made available by certifying institutions.

Results: Sustainable solutions have been divided into groups, although the division is not disjoint. Three basic groups of solutions (reducing harmful emissions, reducing consumption of resources, increasing ecological value of facilities) have been distinguished. One is homogenous, the other two are divided into further subgroups. 

Conclusions: Division of sustainable solutions and specification of particular groups are a basis for identification, qualification, popularisation and, in the long term, implementation of sustainable solutions for warehouse management, consequently leading to lower emission of greenhouse gases and resource consumption, and, in the long-run, to a "green" warehouse.

Keywords: sustainability, sustainable warehouse, green warehouse, sustainable solutions
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For citation:

MLA Żuchowski, Wiktor. "Division of environmentally sustainable solutions in warehouse management and example methods of their evaluation." Logforum 11.2 (2015): 5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2015.2.5
APA Wiktor Żuchowski (2015). Division of environmentally sustainable solutions in warehouse management and example methods of their evaluation. Logforum 11 (2), 5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2015.2.5
ISO 690 ūUCHOWSKI, Wiktor. Division of environmentally sustainable solutions in warehouse management and example methods of their evaluation. Logforum, 2015, 11.2: 5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2015.2.5