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ISSN 1895-2038, e-ISSN:1734-459X

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Guide for Authors
For Reviewers
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The procedure of reviewing

  1. Each publication is evaluated by editor-in-chief and if the basic requirements are fulfilled the text is sent to review.
  2. Each publication is evaluated by at least two independent Reviewers.
  3. At least one of the Reviewers is affiliated in a foreign institution, which is different than the Author’s nationality.
  4. The double-blind review process is applied, where neither the Authors nor the Reviewers know each other’s identities.
  5. The review is a written document, which ends with a definite conclusion whether the article should be published or rejected.
  6. The following evaluation criteria and procedures are applied:
    • Avery good article – accept
      The article is accepted for printing without sending back to the Author. The Author receives a message about the positive review.
    • Bgood article – accept when the Reviewer’s comments have been fulfilled
      The article is sent back to the author to make changes suggested by the Reviewer. Then the Author resends a corrected copy of the article with the opinion about the remarks in the review to the editors. The Editor-in-Chief makes a decision whether the article should be accepted for printing
    • C – acceptable after general reconstruction
      The article is sent back to the Author to make general changes suggested by the Reviewer. Then the Author sends a corrected copy of the article with the opinion about the remarks in the review to the Editors. The Editors send the article for another review. The Author may be committed to pay extra costs of the review of the corrected article.
    • D – poor – the article should not be published in Logforum
      The article is not accepted for publication and cannot be resent to the Editors.
  7. Sample review formular - review.pdf
  8. Every year a list of reviewers collaborating with the Editors is published in the last (fourth) issue of the quarterly and on the website, when all the four issues of the journal have been sent to printing.